
Chapter 8

1.- Amir on the way to Jalalabad flet very sick and dizzy because he was on the  car trunk.

2.- He reacted very badly with him and do not accept the invitation.

3.- In this chapter Hassan asked to Amir to tell a story but he start throwing things to him. Hassan doesn't know why he is doing that. Amir was doing this because he want to forget the scene of the sexualy abuse that recive Hassan.

4.- The gift that Assef gave to Amir was a biography of Hitler.

5.- the story that Rahim Khan tell to Amir was, that he loved homaira the servant daughter and they married. The family didnt like it.

Chapter 9

1.- The most tresurable present of Amir was Rahim Khan notebook.

2.- He felt very grateful but he now that he didnt worth and he didnt opened.

3.- Amit put in the bed some money and a watch.

4.- Hassan told to Baba that he had done it and Amir discovered that he was covering him and also that Hassan listen his plan.

5.- Because to see the Hindi film you need to have a farawell to see it.

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