
Dear Diary
Today I have a wonderfull day.
While I was walking in the "Royal Park", and I saw under of a lot of piece of papers a very beautifull and shinig things. I walked to next it and I picked up the papers and I was exciting!!!, It is a very very beautifull and shinig ring of gold and have a diamond, I picked up and put in my pocket and I was run to my house. When I went to my house I went to my room, but it was very disaster. In this moment the most important for me was saw the shinig ring. My mother went into my room and she was very curious and asked me, What do you have there? And I hide under the bed and in a minutes a was sleeping.

In the morning went I wake up and I put my clothing, I runed to the bathroom, and there was my sister and when she went out side I went enter to it, in there I put the ring in a toilet paper because I dream that the ring was of the wonderfull Queen Victoria because in the ring was rigth the name of her, and today I went to the palace to gave her the beautifull ring.

At four o`clock I went to palace and out side there was two guard and a lot of people, in the midle of the masive people there were a poor woman with ten children, all of us were craying, I supoused that they had hungry and could, they didn`t have sweater, because they didn`t have money to buy it and I planed something for help them.

I went into de palace and talked with the guard for asked if I would can visit to the Queen Victoria, the guard told me that  it was imposible because the Queen was very busy , I got so sad whit his answer but when I was walking to the door , he sholted me that if I can wait.

I was waiting for a long time ...........  Were the seven o`clock when trough the door appeared an  elegant woman !!!! She was Queen Victoria ! When I saw her I runed next her. I taked out the ring and showed it to her . She was very surprised and happy , because this ring was a gift that her father gave her before he died. I was very sad and she asked me what happened, I said her that I saw a poor woman with their soons. She asked me that what can I do for woman?  I answered if she would can give the ring to the woman. She told me that it was an excelent idea.

Both went out site and gave the ring to the woman and she used for buy food and clothes.

And all this I do today.


The Leprechaun Trap competition

  1. Draw sketches of their leprechaun traps and explain how the traps will work in a short paragraph.
  2. Talk with each other and the teacher about whether their trap will encourage the leprechaun to push, pull or use a lever.
  3. List the materials they used and draw a diagram of how it will work .
  4. Fill in this form:
Group’s Name:_Leprechaun Busters
Members: Renato Cabrera, Kiyoshi Shinya and Ari Perrot
Name of your invention: Leprachaun Inn
List of materials used for your trap:
  • Box
  • Wooden Plank
  • Paints (green and yellow)
  • Nail
  • Colored Paper
  • Wire
  • Silicon

5. Draw a diagram below that shows how your trap works:

6. One of the group members must be in charge of recording or taking pictures.
7. Choosing the winners:

By March 19th...
5th graders: Send an e-mail with the best  picture and caption.
6th graders: Represent this experience (text, photos and or video) in glogster and send the link to the corresponding English teacher.
7TH graders: Post a blog entry with your trap (text, photos and or video). Write a respectful comment in 3 of your classmate’s blogs.
Your teachers will choose two semifinalists in each category and the community will vote for the winner!
The results will be announced the 26th of March!!


This Fort of Agra, in India. Which sentences abaut it are true, do you think? Trick  the boxes.

  • a) It was a prison for Shah Jehan, the man who built the Taj Mahal.    This true.
  • b) The Indians fought against the British here in 1857.     This false.
  • c) The Egyptian singer Hisham Abbas made a music video here in 2000.    This true.


Queen Victoria Regin          
                                                       Victoria Times
 Transportation                                 (1837-1901)                The industrial revolution        Poor  condition                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                      Steam boats, carriage.                                           Farm (agriculture)              City (factories)
      Coal                                                                            Poor workers                      Rich people    

                                              The British Empire
·         New Zealand
·         Australia
·         South Africa
·         Canada
·         India
·         Jamaica

POOR  WORKERS                     RICH  PEOPLE



1) When and where was he born?
2) What were some of his talents?
3) What happened in 1882?
4) Why did he start written stories?
5) What was the name of his first significant work?
6) How many Sherlock Holmes stories were punished?
7) What are other stories were punished?
8) What happened to his first wife?
9) why did he sink into depression?
10) How and when did he die?


1) He born in 22 of May in 1859 in Scotlan.
2) He is sportman, novelist, ophthalmologist, doctor, photographer.
3) He start medical practice.
4) He not have nothing to do and suddenly he start writing and he like.
5) Study in  Scarlet.
6) He write 66 Sherlock Holmes.
7) The Lost World.
8) His your first wife die.
9) He sink into depression because all family die.
10) He was found the 7 of July of the 1930 with a clutch in his chest.

Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria born in 1837 in Kevinhston Palace London and die 22 January 1901 (aged 81)
Osborne House, Isle of Wight.
She was the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death. From 1 May 1876, she used the additional title of Empress of Indian.
She married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in 1840. Their nine children and 26 of their 34 grandchildren who survived childhood married into royal and noble families across the continent, tying them together and earning her the nickname "the grandmother of Europe".

File:Queen Victoria by Bassano.jpg